Yesterday I went back for the camera which had been out for a week. I could tell that it had been triggered several times, so I brought it home so I could view the images on the computer. This black tail doe looks like she must have had a hard winter. She isn’t in very good shape.
The camera was set to take 1 still photo followed by 15 seconds of video.
I got a night time still shot of a blurred coyote. He must have been moving right along as the video missed him entirely.
There was another badly blurred image that I think is another coyote, but it’s really hard to tell. There was also another photo of a deer, but it was barely within the frame and cut its head off. The camera made several more exposures, but I can’t see anything there. Maybe it was triggered by a passing bird, or just movement of tree branches due to wind. There were several windy days last week. So that’s it for the first time out for the trail cam. Nothing spectacular, but at least I didn’t get a blank. I’m heavy into spring chores now, so it will be awhile before I get a chance to set the cam out again. I have several different places in mind.